奈良美智特展首度襲台 文總主辦三月於關渡登場
A Special exhibition of works by Yoshitomo Nara to appear in Taiwan for the first time in Kuandu in March, Organized by General Association of Chinese Culture
文化總會歷經10個月的聯繫與溝通,力邀日本當代藝術家——奈良美智(YOSHITOMO NARA)來台,舉辦在台灣的首次特展,《 奈良美智特展(YOSHITOMO NARA) 》將於2021年3月12日至6月20日於關渡美術館展出。首波曝光的展出作品,為奈良美智甫於2020年在東京森美術館展覽的新作——「月光小姐(Miss Moonlight)」,並首度在海外展出。為向經典致敬,文總在15日(五)於獲金鼎獎肯定的《FOUNTAIN新活水》一月號,獨家釋出以「月光小姐」為主視覺的宣傳卡片,搶先曝光展覽資訊,讓喜愛奈良美智的粉絲們能一睹為快。奈良美智近年創作聚焦在作品角色寧靜的精神意象,並延續了每個人心中孩童般的純真與身體性,喚起觀眾心靈深處穿梭於社會現實與想像世界的感性。
After ten months of contact and communication, the General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC) is bringing the Japanese contemporary artist Yoshitomo Nara to Taiwan, organizing his first special exhibition here. The exhibition, entitled simply “Yoshitomo Nara,” will be held in the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts from March 12 through June 20, 2021. The list of works to be displayed will include a new piece debuted in the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo in 2020, “Miss Moonlight.” The exhibition will also mark its first international appearance. GACC announced its first promotional campaign on Jan. 15 by releasing an advertising insert exclusively in the January issue of Fountain, featuring “Miss Moonlight” as the key visual of the exhibition, for fans of Nara to get a glimpse of the exhibition. Fountain is GACC’s Tripod Award-winning magazine. In recent years, Nara’s creative focus has been on the quiet spiritual imagery in his works, drawing out the childlike purity and physicality in every individual’s heart, and calling forth the deep spiritual and psychological feelings that are produced by the back and forth between practical society and the world of the imagination.
舉辦此特展的重要契機,源自於去年4月,奈良美智(YOSHITOMO NARA)在推特上表達對台灣捐贈口罩的感謝,為此蔡英文總統也在社群予以回應,在互動熱絡後,搭起台灣與奈良美智的友好橋梁,為來台策展埋下伏筆,加上今年正好是311十週年,日本台灣交流協會也希望將「奈良美智特展」納入日台友情系列活動,經奈良美智同意後,便攜手文總積極協助並籌辦相關事宜,也期望讓台日間的情誼更別具意義。
The origins of the opportunity to hold this special exhibition go back to April of 2020, when Yoshitomo Nara expressed thanks on Twitter for Taiwan’s donations of face masks. Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen responded on social media, and following enthusiastic interaction, a bridge of friendship was constructed between Taiwan and Nara, laying the groundwork for the artist to come to Taiwan to curate this exhibition. In addition, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, and the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association hoped to incorporate a “Yoshitomo Nara Special Exhibition” in a series of activities promoting friendship between Taiwan and Japan. After getting the artist’s agreement, the Exchange Association joined hands with GACC to pro-actively assist in the planning, with the aim of giving even greater meaning to Taiwan-Japan friendship.
日本最具影響力的當代藝術家——奈良美智,能在311十週年之際,首度在台灣舉辦特展,更加展現台日之間深厚的情誼,也看出奈良美智對於世界關懷的用心之深、堅持之力。展覽由中華文化總會、Yoshitomo Nara Foundation ( Japan General Incorporated Foundation ) 、關渡美術館主辦,日本台灣交流協會台北事務所及INCEPTION啟藝協力籌劃,未來不排除持續規劃巡迴至台灣各地,如高雄、台南等,邀請更多台灣朋友進入奈良的藝術世界。首波展覽資訊卡片,將附於2021年1月15日出刊的《FOUNTAIN新活水》雜誌第21期中。詳細展覽資訊與活動消息,請持續關注文總官網與該特展的官方粉絲頁。
The first special exhibition in Taiwan of the works of the influential Japanese contemporary artists Yoshitomo Nara will demonstrate the deep friendship between Taiwan and Japan, and will show the artist’s deep and dedicated concern for the world. The exhibition is being organized by GACC, the Yoshitomo Nara Foundation (a General Incorporated Foundation in Japan), and the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, with help from the Taipei Office of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Foundation and the Inception company. The possibility exists that in the future the exhibition will go on tour to other places in Taiwan, such as Kaohsiung and Tainan, to draw even more Taiwan friends into Nara’s artistic world. A promotional card for the first phase of the special exhibition will be included in Issue 21 of Fountain magazine, to be published on January 15, 2021. For detailed information on the exhibition and other activities, please follow GACC’s official website and the official fan page of the special exhibition.
主辦單位:中華文化總會、Yoshitomo Nara Foundation(Japan General Incorporated Foundation) 、國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館
Exhibition Period: March 12 through June 20, 2021
Presentation Venue: The Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, 2F
Main organizers: The General Association of Chinese Culture, General Incorporated Foundation Yoshitomo Nara Foundation, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts of Taipei National University of the Arts
Co-organizers: Interchange Association (Japan), TAIPEI OFFICE, INCEPTION LIMITED